Defining Addition of Natural Numbers as the Algebra of 'Push-Along' Functions



Let $N$ be a set containing an element $1$ and $sigma: N to N$ an injective function satisfying the following two properties:

$tag 1 1 notin sigma(N)$

$tag 2 (forall M subset N) ;text{If } [; 1 in M land (sigma(M) subset M) ;] text{ Then } M = N$

We call $(N, 1, sigma)$ a Peano system.

The set of all injective functions on $N$ form a semigroup under composition.

Let $mathcal C$ denote the set of all injective functions on $N$ that commute with $sigma$. It is easy to see that $mathcal C$ is a commutative semigroup containing the identity transformation.

Theorem 1: If $mu,nu in mathcal C$ and $mu(1) = nu(1)$ then $mu = nu$.


Let $M$ be the set of all elements in $N$ where the two functions agree. Applying induction with $text{(2)}$, it is immediately evident that $M = N$. $quad blacksquare$

Theorem 2: For any $m in N$, there exist a $mu in mathcal C$ such that $mu(1) = m$.


Again, simply apply induction. $quad blacksquare$

So $mathcal C$ is in bijective correspondence with $N$.

Theorem 3: Let $(N, sigma)$ and $(N', sigma')$ be two Peano systems and $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$ the corresponding semigroups. Then there exist one and only one bijective correspondence $beta: N to N'$ satisfying

$tag 3 beta(1) = 1'$

$tag 4 beta circ sigma = sigma' circ beta$


The function $beta$ is defined using recursion. Induction is used to show that $beta$ is injective. Induction is used to show that $beta$ is surjective. $quad blacksquare$

Using the above an argument can be supplied to prove the following.

Theorem 4: Let $(N, sigma)$ and $(N', sigma')$ be two Peano systems and $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$ the corresponding semigroups. Then the mapping $sigma mapsto sigma'$ can be extended to an algebraic isomorphism between $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$.

We reserve the symbol $mathbb N$ to denote $mathcal C$ and use the symbol $+$ to denote the binary operation of composition.

Using the axioms of $ZF$, the existence of Peano systems is no problem.

I couldn't find this technique here or on wikipedia, prompting

Is the theory described above coherent?

If it is it would certainly appeal to students who like to see some 'motion/action' when studying mathematical constructions, say somebody born to be a functional analyst.

Since there has been no feedback except for two upvotes, the theory is sound. So here we knock off the remaining properties of $(mathbb N,0,1,+)$ that we need to have under our belts. When this is competed, these properties will completely define the natural numbers under addition up to isomorphism.

Note that when convenient, we can always regard $0 in mathbb N$ as the identity mapping on $N$ and view the remaining elements in $mathbb N$ as (proper) injections.

Define the function $alpha$ on $mathbb N$ by $k mapsto k +1$.

Theorem 5: $(mathbb N, 0, alpha)$ is a Peano system.

Proof (sketch)

Translating back to $mathcal C$, the identity fucntion can't have the form $sigma circ tau$, since $sigma$ can't have a left and right inverse. So $text{(1)}$ is satisfied. To show $text{(2)}$, you use induction on $N$ and theorem 1 and theorem 2 to show that there is 'complete coverage'. $quad blacksquare$

The prior theorem is stating that $(mathbb N, 0, alpha)$ can be viewed as the 'dual Peano system' to $(N, 1, sigma)$.

Theorem 6: For $z,x,y in mathbb N$, if $z + x = z + y$, then $x = y$.


Injective functions always have a left inverse. $quad blacksquare$

Definition: For $m, n in mathbb N$, we write $m le n$ if there exist a $k in mathbb N$ such that $m + k = n$.

Theorem 7: The relation $(mathbb N, le)$ is a total ordering.

Proof (sketch)

At all steps, when necessary invoke theorem 6 and use algebraic manipulations. Transitivity is straightforward. To show antisymmetry, use the fact that $m + n = 0$ implies that both $m$ and $n$ are equal to $0$. To show the connex property, use induction and split out the logic. $quad blacksquare$

Theorem 8: Every nonempty subset of $mathbb N$ has a least element.

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    Let $N$ be a set containing an element $1$ and $sigma: N to N$ an injective function satisfying the following two properties:

    $tag 1 1 notin sigma(N)$

    $tag 2 (forall M subset N) ;text{If } [; 1 in M land (sigma(M) subset M) ;] text{ Then } M = N$

    We call $(N, 1, sigma)$ a Peano system.

    The set of all injective functions on $N$ form a semigroup under composition.

    Let $mathcal C$ denote the set of all injective functions on $N$ that commute with $sigma$. It is easy to see that $mathcal C$ is a commutative semigroup containing the identity transformation.

    Theorem 1: If $mu,nu in mathcal C$ and $mu(1) = nu(1)$ then $mu = nu$.


    Let $M$ be the set of all elements in $N$ where the two functions agree. Applying induction with $text{(2)}$, it is immediately evident that $M = N$. $quad blacksquare$

    Theorem 2: For any $m in N$, there exist a $mu in mathcal C$ such that $mu(1) = m$.


    Again, simply apply induction. $quad blacksquare$

    So $mathcal C$ is in bijective correspondence with $N$.

    Theorem 3: Let $(N, sigma)$ and $(N', sigma')$ be two Peano systems and $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$ the corresponding semigroups. Then there exist one and only one bijective correspondence $beta: N to N'$ satisfying

    $tag 3 beta(1) = 1'$

    $tag 4 beta circ sigma = sigma' circ beta$


    The function $beta$ is defined using recursion. Induction is used to show that $beta$ is injective. Induction is used to show that $beta$ is surjective. $quad blacksquare$

    Using the above an argument can be supplied to prove the following.

    Theorem 4: Let $(N, sigma)$ and $(N', sigma')$ be two Peano systems and $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$ the corresponding semigroups. Then the mapping $sigma mapsto sigma'$ can be extended to an algebraic isomorphism between $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$.

    We reserve the symbol $mathbb N$ to denote $mathcal C$ and use the symbol $+$ to denote the binary operation of composition.

    Using the axioms of $ZF$, the existence of Peano systems is no problem.

    I couldn't find this technique here or on wikipedia, prompting

    Is the theory described above coherent?

    If it is it would certainly appeal to students who like to see some 'motion/action' when studying mathematical constructions, say somebody born to be a functional analyst.

    Since there has been no feedback except for two upvotes, the theory is sound. So here we knock off the remaining properties of $(mathbb N,0,1,+)$ that we need to have under our belts. When this is competed, these properties will completely define the natural numbers under addition up to isomorphism.

    Note that when convenient, we can always regard $0 in mathbb N$ as the identity mapping on $N$ and view the remaining elements in $mathbb N$ as (proper) injections.

    Define the function $alpha$ on $mathbb N$ by $k mapsto k +1$.

    Theorem 5: $(mathbb N, 0, alpha)$ is a Peano system.

    Proof (sketch)

    Translating back to $mathcal C$, the identity fucntion can't have the form $sigma circ tau$, since $sigma$ can't have a left and right inverse. So $text{(1)}$ is satisfied. To show $text{(2)}$, you use induction on $N$ and theorem 1 and theorem 2 to show that there is 'complete coverage'. $quad blacksquare$

    The prior theorem is stating that $(mathbb N, 0, alpha)$ can be viewed as the 'dual Peano system' to $(N, 1, sigma)$.

    Theorem 6: For $z,x,y in mathbb N$, if $z + x = z + y$, then $x = y$.


    Injective functions always have a left inverse. $quad blacksquare$

    Definition: For $m, n in mathbb N$, we write $m le n$ if there exist a $k in mathbb N$ such that $m + k = n$.

    Theorem 7: The relation $(mathbb N, le)$ is a total ordering.

    Proof (sketch)

    At all steps, when necessary invoke theorem 6 and use algebraic manipulations. Transitivity is straightforward. To show antisymmetry, use the fact that $m + n = 0$ implies that both $m$ and $n$ are equal to $0$. To show the connex property, use induction and split out the logic. $quad blacksquare$

    Theorem 8: Every nonempty subset of $mathbb N$ has a least element.

    share|cite|improve this question






      Let $N$ be a set containing an element $1$ and $sigma: N to N$ an injective function satisfying the following two properties:

      $tag 1 1 notin sigma(N)$

      $tag 2 (forall M subset N) ;text{If } [; 1 in M land (sigma(M) subset M) ;] text{ Then } M = N$

      We call $(N, 1, sigma)$ a Peano system.

      The set of all injective functions on $N$ form a semigroup under composition.

      Let $mathcal C$ denote the set of all injective functions on $N$ that commute with $sigma$. It is easy to see that $mathcal C$ is a commutative semigroup containing the identity transformation.

      Theorem 1: If $mu,nu in mathcal C$ and $mu(1) = nu(1)$ then $mu = nu$.


      Let $M$ be the set of all elements in $N$ where the two functions agree. Applying induction with $text{(2)}$, it is immediately evident that $M = N$. $quad blacksquare$

      Theorem 2: For any $m in N$, there exist a $mu in mathcal C$ such that $mu(1) = m$.


      Again, simply apply induction. $quad blacksquare$

      So $mathcal C$ is in bijective correspondence with $N$.

      Theorem 3: Let $(N, sigma)$ and $(N', sigma')$ be two Peano systems and $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$ the corresponding semigroups. Then there exist one and only one bijective correspondence $beta: N to N'$ satisfying

      $tag 3 beta(1) = 1'$

      $tag 4 beta circ sigma = sigma' circ beta$


      The function $beta$ is defined using recursion. Induction is used to show that $beta$ is injective. Induction is used to show that $beta$ is surjective. $quad blacksquare$

      Using the above an argument can be supplied to prove the following.

      Theorem 4: Let $(N, sigma)$ and $(N', sigma')$ be two Peano systems and $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$ the corresponding semigroups. Then the mapping $sigma mapsto sigma'$ can be extended to an algebraic isomorphism between $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$.

      We reserve the symbol $mathbb N$ to denote $mathcal C$ and use the symbol $+$ to denote the binary operation of composition.

      Using the axioms of $ZF$, the existence of Peano systems is no problem.

      I couldn't find this technique here or on wikipedia, prompting

      Is the theory described above coherent?

      If it is it would certainly appeal to students who like to see some 'motion/action' when studying mathematical constructions, say somebody born to be a functional analyst.

      Since there has been no feedback except for two upvotes, the theory is sound. So here we knock off the remaining properties of $(mathbb N,0,1,+)$ that we need to have under our belts. When this is competed, these properties will completely define the natural numbers under addition up to isomorphism.

      Note that when convenient, we can always regard $0 in mathbb N$ as the identity mapping on $N$ and view the remaining elements in $mathbb N$ as (proper) injections.

      Define the function $alpha$ on $mathbb N$ by $k mapsto k +1$.

      Theorem 5: $(mathbb N, 0, alpha)$ is a Peano system.

      Proof (sketch)

      Translating back to $mathcal C$, the identity fucntion can't have the form $sigma circ tau$, since $sigma$ can't have a left and right inverse. So $text{(1)}$ is satisfied. To show $text{(2)}$, you use induction on $N$ and theorem 1 and theorem 2 to show that there is 'complete coverage'. $quad blacksquare$

      The prior theorem is stating that $(mathbb N, 0, alpha)$ can be viewed as the 'dual Peano system' to $(N, 1, sigma)$.

      Theorem 6: For $z,x,y in mathbb N$, if $z + x = z + y$, then $x = y$.


      Injective functions always have a left inverse. $quad blacksquare$

      Definition: For $m, n in mathbb N$, we write $m le n$ if there exist a $k in mathbb N$ such that $m + k = n$.

      Theorem 7: The relation $(mathbb N, le)$ is a total ordering.

      Proof (sketch)

      At all steps, when necessary invoke theorem 6 and use algebraic manipulations. Transitivity is straightforward. To show antisymmetry, use the fact that $m + n = 0$ implies that both $m$ and $n$ are equal to $0$. To show the connex property, use induction and split out the logic. $quad blacksquare$

      Theorem 8: Every nonempty subset of $mathbb N$ has a least element.

      share|cite|improve this question


      Let $N$ be a set containing an element $1$ and $sigma: N to N$ an injective function satisfying the following two properties:

      $tag 1 1 notin sigma(N)$

      $tag 2 (forall M subset N) ;text{If } [; 1 in M land (sigma(M) subset M) ;] text{ Then } M = N$

      We call $(N, 1, sigma)$ a Peano system.

      The set of all injective functions on $N$ form a semigroup under composition.

      Let $mathcal C$ denote the set of all injective functions on $N$ that commute with $sigma$. It is easy to see that $mathcal C$ is a commutative semigroup containing the identity transformation.

      Theorem 1: If $mu,nu in mathcal C$ and $mu(1) = nu(1)$ then $mu = nu$.


      Let $M$ be the set of all elements in $N$ where the two functions agree. Applying induction with $text{(2)}$, it is immediately evident that $M = N$. $quad blacksquare$

      Theorem 2: For any $m in N$, there exist a $mu in mathcal C$ such that $mu(1) = m$.


      Again, simply apply induction. $quad blacksquare$

      So $mathcal C$ is in bijective correspondence with $N$.

      Theorem 3: Let $(N, sigma)$ and $(N', sigma')$ be two Peano systems and $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$ the corresponding semigroups. Then there exist one and only one bijective correspondence $beta: N to N'$ satisfying

      $tag 3 beta(1) = 1'$

      $tag 4 beta circ sigma = sigma' circ beta$


      The function $beta$ is defined using recursion. Induction is used to show that $beta$ is injective. Induction is used to show that $beta$ is surjective. $quad blacksquare$

      Using the above an argument can be supplied to prove the following.

      Theorem 4: Let $(N, sigma)$ and $(N', sigma')$ be two Peano systems and $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$ the corresponding semigroups. Then the mapping $sigma mapsto sigma'$ can be extended to an algebraic isomorphism between $mathcal C$ and $mathcal C'$.

      We reserve the symbol $mathbb N$ to denote $mathcal C$ and use the symbol $+$ to denote the binary operation of composition.

      Using the axioms of $ZF$, the existence of Peano systems is no problem.

      I couldn't find this technique here or on wikipedia, prompting

      Is the theory described above coherent?

      If it is it would certainly appeal to students who like to see some 'motion/action' when studying mathematical constructions, say somebody born to be a functional analyst.

      Since there has been no feedback except for two upvotes, the theory is sound. So here we knock off the remaining properties of $(mathbb N,0,1,+)$ that we need to have under our belts. When this is competed, these properties will completely define the natural numbers under addition up to isomorphism.

      Note that when convenient, we can always regard $0 in mathbb N$ as the identity mapping on $N$ and view the remaining elements in $mathbb N$ as (proper) injections.

      Define the function $alpha$ on $mathbb N$ by $k mapsto k +1$.

      Theorem 5: $(mathbb N, 0, alpha)$ is a Peano system.

      Proof (sketch)

      Translating back to $mathcal C$, the identity fucntion can't have the form $sigma circ tau$, since $sigma$ can't have a left and right inverse. So $text{(1)}$ is satisfied. To show $text{(2)}$, you use induction on $N$ and theorem 1 and theorem 2 to show that there is 'complete coverage'. $quad blacksquare$

      The prior theorem is stating that $(mathbb N, 0, alpha)$ can be viewed as the 'dual Peano system' to $(N, 1, sigma)$.

      Theorem 6: For $z,x,y in mathbb N$, if $z + x = z + y$, then $x = y$.


      Injective functions always have a left inverse. $quad blacksquare$

      Definition: For $m, n in mathbb N$, we write $m le n$ if there exist a $k in mathbb N$ such that $m + k = n$.

      Theorem 7: The relation $(mathbb N, le)$ is a total ordering.

      Proof (sketch)

      At all steps, when necessary invoke theorem 6 and use algebraic manipulations. Transitivity is straightforward. To show antisymmetry, use the fact that $m + n = 0$ implies that both $m$ and $n$ are equal to $0$. To show the connex property, use induction and split out the logic. $quad blacksquare$

      Theorem 8: Every nonempty subset of $mathbb N$ has a least element.

      abstract-algebra proof-verification elementary-set-theory natural-numbers

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      share|cite|improve this question

      edited Dec 18 '18 at 1:54


      asked Dec 17 '18 at 15:36








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