
Showing posts from November 19, 2018

Why do I get unnecessary column space when using `multicolumn` in type `X` columns?

up vote 3 down vote favorite Two of my columns have extra space before them which is not supposed to be there. I think the issue has to do with using multicolumn inside a table with type X columns. My source code: documentclass{IEEEtran} usepackage{fontspec} usepackage{tabularx} newcolumntype{C}{ >{ arraybackslash Centering } X } renewcommand tabularxcolumn [1] { >{ centering } m{#1} } renewcommand{tabularxcolumn}[1]{ >{centering}m{#1} } usepackage{booktabs} usepackage{ragged2e} usepackage{makecell} usepackage{multirow} setlengthextrarowheight{10pt} usepackage{float} usepackage[defaultmathsizes, subdued, italic, LGRgreek, symbolre, symbolmisc]{mathastext} newcommand{multcolhsize}[1]{dimexpr #1hsize + #1tabcolsep + tabcolsep relax} usepackage{adjustbox} begin{document} new...