Festival Sundance de Cinema

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Cinema Egípcio em Park City, Utah, durante a Festival Sundance de Cinema em janeiro de 2006.

O Festival Sundance de Cinema tem início em agosto de 1978, como Utah/U.S. Film Festival. Em 1985, o Sundance Institute, fundado anos antes por Robert Redford com o intuito de ajudar novos cineastas, incorpora o festival a seus programas, dirigindo o evento para as produções independentes. O festival acontece todos os anos, no mês de janeiro, em Park City, Utah.

Vencedores recentes do Grande Prêmio do Júri |

Ano Ficção (nome original) Documentário


The Miseducation of Cameron Post



I Don't Fell at Home in This World Anymore



The Birth of a Nation



Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

The Wolfpack



Rich Hill


Fruitvale Station

Blood Brother


Beast of the Southern Wild

The House I Lived In
2011 Like Crazy
Hell and Back Again
2010 Winter's Bone
2009 Precious
We Live in Public
2008 Frozen River
Trouble the Water
2007 Padre Nuestro
Manda Bala (Send a Bullet)
2006 Quinceañera
God Grew Tired of Us: The Story of Lost Boys of Sudan
2005 Forty Shades of Blue
Why we fight
2004 Primer
2003 American Splendor
The Murder of Emmett Till Blue
2002 Personal Velocity
Daughter From Danang
2001 The Believer
Southern Comfort
2000 Girlfight
Long Night's Journey Into Day
1999 Three Seasons
American Movie
1998 Slam
The Farm - Frat House
1997 Sunday
Girls Like Us
1996 Welcome to the Dollhouse
Troublesome Creek: A Midwestern
1995 The Brothers McMullen
1994 What Happened Was
Freedom on My Mind
1993 Ruby In Paradise
Children of Fate - Silverlake Life: The View from Here
1992 In the Soup
A Brief History of Time - Finding Christa
1991 Poison
American Dream - Paris Is Burning
1990 Chameleon Street
H-2 Worker - Water and Power
1989 True Love
For All Mankind
1988 Heat and Sunlight
Beirut: The Last Home Movie
1987 Waiting for the Moon
Sherman's March
1986 Smooth Talk
Private Conversations
1985 Blood Simple

Ver também |

  • Lista de festivais de cinema

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  • Sundance Film Festival (inglês)

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