$$mathfrak{I}=intlimits_0^1 left[log(x)log(1-x)+operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx=4zeta(2)zeta(3)-9zeta(5)tag1$$
This integral haunts me for while and I am still unable to evaluate it which annoys me even more. For the first time I have encountered it within Mathematical Analysis $-$ A collection of Problems by Tolaso J. Kos $($Page $27$, Problem $282$$)$ and I am still stumped by this one.
However, today I am have come across this question asking for the evaluation of the integral
$$mathfrak{J}=intlimits_0^{pi/2}frac{log^2(sin x)log^2(cos x)}{sin xcos x}mathrm dx=frac12zeta(5)-frac14zeta(2)zeta(3)tag2$$
Which can done be "rather simple" by invoking the fourth derivative of the Beta Function. I was baffled as I recognized the structure of the final value; moreover reminding me of the logarithmic integral $(1)$ I was not able to evaluate. It might turn out that this relation is by pure chance but nevertheless it motivated me to look at $(1)$ again. It is hardly probable that $(1)$ can be done in a similiar way like $(2)$ in xpaul's answer to the linked question due the involved Dilogarithms $-$ but anyway you can prove me wrong.
I have not got that far with $(1)$ but however I noticed two, I would say quite interesting, facts about the integral. First of all consider the following, well-known functional relation of the Dilogarithm
which can be used in order to get rid of the $log(x)log(1-x)$-term within $(1)$ and leading to
$$smallintlimits_0^1 left[log(x)log(1-x)+operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx$$
Secondly applying the subsititution $x=1-x$ after a minor reshape yields to
intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]frac{mathrm dx}{1-x}\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]frac{mathrm dx}x\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}x-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}xright]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx
I want to point out the quite interesting one could say "almost"-symmetry of the two integrals
mathfrak{I}_1&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx\
mathfrak{I}_2&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}x-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}xright]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx
which might be helpful for the actual evaluation. But from hereon I have no clue how to continue.
Just multplying the two brackets out does not seem like a good idea to me hence one the one hand it is not elegant at all and on the other hand it would lead to to the term $operatorname{Li}_2(x)operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)$ for which I have no idea how to deal with concerning the fact that I am not used to e.g. double series and their evaluation. I also tried various ways of Integration by Parts but this seems to be pointless since all variations ended up in producing a divergent term $-$ unless I have missed a sepcial choice of $u$ and $mathrm v$. I have not figured out a suitable substitution nor an appropriate newly introduced parameter $($for the application of Feynman's Trick$)$ and the I do not know whether a series expansion would be helpful or not $($connected with this issue is the possibility of a double summation with which I cannot really deal$)$.
Thus, I am asking for the closed-form evaluation of $(1)$ hopefully equal to the given value $($which works out numerically according to WolframAlpha$)$. Even though I have troubles with double series I would accept an answer invoking these notwithstanding that I would appreciate a solution without involving them. Hence this integral appeared within a collocation of Analysis Probelms I am rather sure that it has been already evaluated somewhere $($maybe even here on MSE where I was not able to find it$)$.
Thanks in advance!
integration definite-integrals closed-form riemann-zeta polylogarithm
show 1 more comment
$$mathfrak{I}=intlimits_0^1 left[log(x)log(1-x)+operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx=4zeta(2)zeta(3)-9zeta(5)tag1$$
This integral haunts me for while and I am still unable to evaluate it which annoys me even more. For the first time I have encountered it within Mathematical Analysis $-$ A collection of Problems by Tolaso J. Kos $($Page $27$, Problem $282$$)$ and I am still stumped by this one.
However, today I am have come across this question asking for the evaluation of the integral
$$mathfrak{J}=intlimits_0^{pi/2}frac{log^2(sin x)log^2(cos x)}{sin xcos x}mathrm dx=frac12zeta(5)-frac14zeta(2)zeta(3)tag2$$
Which can done be "rather simple" by invoking the fourth derivative of the Beta Function. I was baffled as I recognized the structure of the final value; moreover reminding me of the logarithmic integral $(1)$ I was not able to evaluate. It might turn out that this relation is by pure chance but nevertheless it motivated me to look at $(1)$ again. It is hardly probable that $(1)$ can be done in a similiar way like $(2)$ in xpaul's answer to the linked question due the involved Dilogarithms $-$ but anyway you can prove me wrong.
I have not got that far with $(1)$ but however I noticed two, I would say quite interesting, facts about the integral. First of all consider the following, well-known functional relation of the Dilogarithm
which can be used in order to get rid of the $log(x)log(1-x)$-term within $(1)$ and leading to
$$smallintlimits_0^1 left[log(x)log(1-x)+operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx$$
Secondly applying the subsititution $x=1-x$ after a minor reshape yields to
intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]frac{mathrm dx}{1-x}\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]frac{mathrm dx}x\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}x-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}xright]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx
I want to point out the quite interesting one could say "almost"-symmetry of the two integrals
mathfrak{I}_1&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx\
mathfrak{I}_2&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}x-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}xright]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx
which might be helpful for the actual evaluation. But from hereon I have no clue how to continue.
Just multplying the two brackets out does not seem like a good idea to me hence one the one hand it is not elegant at all and on the other hand it would lead to to the term $operatorname{Li}_2(x)operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)$ for which I have no idea how to deal with concerning the fact that I am not used to e.g. double series and their evaluation. I also tried various ways of Integration by Parts but this seems to be pointless since all variations ended up in producing a divergent term $-$ unless I have missed a sepcial choice of $u$ and $mathrm v$. I have not figured out a suitable substitution nor an appropriate newly introduced parameter $($for the application of Feynman's Trick$)$ and the I do not know whether a series expansion would be helpful or not $($connected with this issue is the possibility of a double summation with which I cannot really deal$)$.
Thus, I am asking for the closed-form evaluation of $(1)$ hopefully equal to the given value $($which works out numerically according to WolframAlpha$)$. Even though I have troubles with double series I would accept an answer invoking these notwithstanding that I would appreciate a solution without involving them. Hence this integral appeared within a collocation of Analysis Probelms I am rather sure that it has been already evaluated somewhere $($maybe even here on MSE where I was not able to find it$)$.
Thanks in advance!
integration definite-integrals closed-form riemann-zeta polylogarithm
Could the downvoter please elaborate on why he downvoted? Is my question missing some details or effort; can I add something which would make the downvote redundant?
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 11:19
I can't speak for the downvoter, but perhaps they noticed that your proposed value for $mathfrak{I}$ in equation $(1)$ is way off numerically. The correct value should be $mathfrak{I}=4,zeta{left(2right)},zeta{left(3right)}-color{red}{9},zeta{left(5right)}$.
– David H
Dec 16 '18 at 12:55
@David H Oh gosh. I have forgotten to write down the $9$. I will add this in the post hence it is like this within the source I have given.
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 13:07
Antiderivative of begin{align}frac{1}{1-x}left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]end{align} is computable. This is the part corresponding to $zeta(2)zeta(3)$
Dec 16 '18 at 14:01
Have you asked this on AoPS too? Or contact the author of the page?
– Zacky
Jan 30 at 11:25
show 1 more comment
$$mathfrak{I}=intlimits_0^1 left[log(x)log(1-x)+operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx=4zeta(2)zeta(3)-9zeta(5)tag1$$
This integral haunts me for while and I am still unable to evaluate it which annoys me even more. For the first time I have encountered it within Mathematical Analysis $-$ A collection of Problems by Tolaso J. Kos $($Page $27$, Problem $282$$)$ and I am still stumped by this one.
However, today I am have come across this question asking for the evaluation of the integral
$$mathfrak{J}=intlimits_0^{pi/2}frac{log^2(sin x)log^2(cos x)}{sin xcos x}mathrm dx=frac12zeta(5)-frac14zeta(2)zeta(3)tag2$$
Which can done be "rather simple" by invoking the fourth derivative of the Beta Function. I was baffled as I recognized the structure of the final value; moreover reminding me of the logarithmic integral $(1)$ I was not able to evaluate. It might turn out that this relation is by pure chance but nevertheless it motivated me to look at $(1)$ again. It is hardly probable that $(1)$ can be done in a similiar way like $(2)$ in xpaul's answer to the linked question due the involved Dilogarithms $-$ but anyway you can prove me wrong.
I have not got that far with $(1)$ but however I noticed two, I would say quite interesting, facts about the integral. First of all consider the following, well-known functional relation of the Dilogarithm
which can be used in order to get rid of the $log(x)log(1-x)$-term within $(1)$ and leading to
$$smallintlimits_0^1 left[log(x)log(1-x)+operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx$$
Secondly applying the subsititution $x=1-x$ after a minor reshape yields to
intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]frac{mathrm dx}{1-x}\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]frac{mathrm dx}x\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}x-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}xright]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx
I want to point out the quite interesting one could say "almost"-symmetry of the two integrals
mathfrak{I}_1&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx\
mathfrak{I}_2&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}x-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}xright]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx
which might be helpful for the actual evaluation. But from hereon I have no clue how to continue.
Just multplying the two brackets out does not seem like a good idea to me hence one the one hand it is not elegant at all and on the other hand it would lead to to the term $operatorname{Li}_2(x)operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)$ for which I have no idea how to deal with concerning the fact that I am not used to e.g. double series and their evaluation. I also tried various ways of Integration by Parts but this seems to be pointless since all variations ended up in producing a divergent term $-$ unless I have missed a sepcial choice of $u$ and $mathrm v$. I have not figured out a suitable substitution nor an appropriate newly introduced parameter $($for the application of Feynman's Trick$)$ and the I do not know whether a series expansion would be helpful or not $($connected with this issue is the possibility of a double summation with which I cannot really deal$)$.
Thus, I am asking for the closed-form evaluation of $(1)$ hopefully equal to the given value $($which works out numerically according to WolframAlpha$)$. Even though I have troubles with double series I would accept an answer invoking these notwithstanding that I would appreciate a solution without involving them. Hence this integral appeared within a collocation of Analysis Probelms I am rather sure that it has been already evaluated somewhere $($maybe even here on MSE where I was not able to find it$)$.
Thanks in advance!
integration definite-integrals closed-form riemann-zeta polylogarithm
$$mathfrak{I}=intlimits_0^1 left[log(x)log(1-x)+operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx=4zeta(2)zeta(3)-9zeta(5)tag1$$
This integral haunts me for while and I am still unable to evaluate it which annoys me even more. For the first time I have encountered it within Mathematical Analysis $-$ A collection of Problems by Tolaso J. Kos $($Page $27$, Problem $282$$)$ and I am still stumped by this one.
However, today I am have come across this question asking for the evaluation of the integral
$$mathfrak{J}=intlimits_0^{pi/2}frac{log^2(sin x)log^2(cos x)}{sin xcos x}mathrm dx=frac12zeta(5)-frac14zeta(2)zeta(3)tag2$$
Which can done be "rather simple" by invoking the fourth derivative of the Beta Function. I was baffled as I recognized the structure of the final value; moreover reminding me of the logarithmic integral $(1)$ I was not able to evaluate. It might turn out that this relation is by pure chance but nevertheless it motivated me to look at $(1)$ again. It is hardly probable that $(1)$ can be done in a similiar way like $(2)$ in xpaul's answer to the linked question due the involved Dilogarithms $-$ but anyway you can prove me wrong.
I have not got that far with $(1)$ but however I noticed two, I would say quite interesting, facts about the integral. First of all consider the following, well-known functional relation of the Dilogarithm
which can be used in order to get rid of the $log(x)log(1-x)$-term within $(1)$ and leading to
$$smallintlimits_0^1 left[log(x)log(1-x)+operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx$$
Secondly applying the subsititution $x=1-x$ after a minor reshape yields to
intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}right]mathrm dx&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]frac{mathrm dx}{1-x}\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[zeta(2)-operatorname{Li}_2(x)right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]frac{mathrm dx}x\
&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}x-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}xright]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx
I want to point out the quite interesting one could say "almost"-symmetry of the two integrals
mathfrak{I}_1&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx\
mathfrak{I}_2&=intlimits_0^1 left[frac{zeta(2)}x-frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}xright]left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}-zeta(2)right]mathrm dx
which might be helpful for the actual evaluation. But from hereon I have no clue how to continue.
Just multplying the two brackets out does not seem like a good idea to me hence one the one hand it is not elegant at all and on the other hand it would lead to to the term $operatorname{Li}_2(x)operatorname{Li}_2(1-x)$ for which I have no idea how to deal with concerning the fact that I am not used to e.g. double series and their evaluation. I also tried various ways of Integration by Parts but this seems to be pointless since all variations ended up in producing a divergent term $-$ unless I have missed a sepcial choice of $u$ and $mathrm v$. I have not figured out a suitable substitution nor an appropriate newly introduced parameter $($for the application of Feynman's Trick$)$ and the I do not know whether a series expansion would be helpful or not $($connected with this issue is the possibility of a double summation with which I cannot really deal$)$.
Thus, I am asking for the closed-form evaluation of $(1)$ hopefully equal to the given value $($which works out numerically according to WolframAlpha$)$. Even though I have troubles with double series I would accept an answer invoking these notwithstanding that I would appreciate a solution without involving them. Hence this integral appeared within a collocation of Analysis Probelms I am rather sure that it has been already evaluated somewhere $($maybe even here on MSE where I was not able to find it$)$.
Thanks in advance!
integration definite-integrals closed-form riemann-zeta polylogarithm
integration definite-integrals closed-form riemann-zeta polylogarithm
edited Feb 19 at 6:24
asked Dec 14 '18 at 21:01
Could the downvoter please elaborate on why he downvoted? Is my question missing some details or effort; can I add something which would make the downvote redundant?
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 11:19
I can't speak for the downvoter, but perhaps they noticed that your proposed value for $mathfrak{I}$ in equation $(1)$ is way off numerically. The correct value should be $mathfrak{I}=4,zeta{left(2right)},zeta{left(3right)}-color{red}{9},zeta{left(5right)}$.
– David H
Dec 16 '18 at 12:55
@David H Oh gosh. I have forgotten to write down the $9$. I will add this in the post hence it is like this within the source I have given.
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 13:07
Antiderivative of begin{align}frac{1}{1-x}left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]end{align} is computable. This is the part corresponding to $zeta(2)zeta(3)$
Dec 16 '18 at 14:01
Have you asked this on AoPS too? Or contact the author of the page?
– Zacky
Jan 30 at 11:25
show 1 more comment
Could the downvoter please elaborate on why he downvoted? Is my question missing some details or effort; can I add something which would make the downvote redundant?
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 11:19
I can't speak for the downvoter, but perhaps they noticed that your proposed value for $mathfrak{I}$ in equation $(1)$ is way off numerically. The correct value should be $mathfrak{I}=4,zeta{left(2right)},zeta{left(3right)}-color{red}{9},zeta{left(5right)}$.
– David H
Dec 16 '18 at 12:55
@David H Oh gosh. I have forgotten to write down the $9$. I will add this in the post hence it is like this within the source I have given.
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 13:07
Antiderivative of begin{align}frac{1}{1-x}left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]end{align} is computable. This is the part corresponding to $zeta(2)zeta(3)$
Dec 16 '18 at 14:01
Have you asked this on AoPS too? Or contact the author of the page?
– Zacky
Jan 30 at 11:25
Could the downvoter please elaborate on why he downvoted? Is my question missing some details or effort; can I add something which would make the downvote redundant?
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 11:19
Could the downvoter please elaborate on why he downvoted? Is my question missing some details or effort; can I add something which would make the downvote redundant?
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 11:19
I can't speak for the downvoter, but perhaps they noticed that your proposed value for $mathfrak{I}$ in equation $(1)$ is way off numerically. The correct value should be $mathfrak{I}=4,zeta{left(2right)},zeta{left(3right)}-color{red}{9},zeta{left(5right)}$.
– David H
Dec 16 '18 at 12:55
I can't speak for the downvoter, but perhaps they noticed that your proposed value for $mathfrak{I}$ in equation $(1)$ is way off numerically. The correct value should be $mathfrak{I}=4,zeta{left(2right)},zeta{left(3right)}-color{red}{9},zeta{left(5right)}$.
– David H
Dec 16 '18 at 12:55
@David H Oh gosh. I have forgotten to write down the $9$. I will add this in the post hence it is like this within the source I have given.
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 13:07
@David H Oh gosh. I have forgotten to write down the $9$. I will add this in the post hence it is like this within the source I have given.
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 13:07
Antiderivative of begin{align}frac{1}{1-x}left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]end{align} is computable. This is the part corresponding to $zeta(2)zeta(3)$
Dec 16 '18 at 14:01
Antiderivative of begin{align}frac{1}{1-x}left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]end{align} is computable. This is the part corresponding to $zeta(2)zeta(3)$
Dec 16 '18 at 14:01
Have you asked this on AoPS too? Or contact the author of the page?
– Zacky
Jan 30 at 11:25
Have you asked this on AoPS too? Or contact the author of the page?
– Zacky
Jan 30 at 11:25
show 1 more comment
1 Answer
Cross-posting this integral on AoPS brings Y. Sharifi's solution here after a day. Quite amazing one!
I will copy here his entire solution:
Let $I$ be your integral. Using the identity $ln x ln(1-x)+text{Li}_2(x)=zeta(2)-text{Li}_2(1-x),$ we have
$$I=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx + zeta(2)int_0^1 left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}+frac{text{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right)dx.$$
$$J=int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx, K:=int_0^1 left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}+frac{text{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right)dx.$$
$$I=zeta(2)K - J. (1)$$
We first show that $K=0.$ Start with using integration by parts in $K,$ with $u=frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x}-zeta(2)+text{Li}_2(1-x)$ and $dv=frac{dx}{1-x}.$ Then
$$K=int_0^1 ln(1-x)left(frac{ln x}{1-x}-frac{ln(1-x)}{x^2}-frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2}right)dx. (2)$$
Using the Maclaurin series of $ln(1-x),$ we quickly find the first integral in $K$
$$int_0^1 frac{ln x ln(1-x)}{1-x} dx = int_0^1 frac{ln x ln(1-x)}{x} dx=zeta(3). (3)$$
Next, we ignore the second integral in $K$ for now and we look at the third one, i.e. $int_0^1 frac{ln(1-x) text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2} dx.$ In this integral, we use integration by parts with $u=ln(1-x)text{Li}_2(x)$ and $dv=frac{dx}{x^2};$ notice that we need to choose $v=1-frac{1}{x}.$ So
$$int_0^1 frac{ln(1-x) text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2} dx=int_0^1left(1-frac{1}{x}right)left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{1-x}+frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x}right) dx$$
$$=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x} dx + int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x} dx - int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx=-zeta(3)+int_0^1 frac{ln^2x}{1-x} dx -int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx.$$
$$=zeta(3)-int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx. (4)$$
Thus, by $(2),(3)$ and $(4),$ we have $K=0$ and hence, by $(1),$
$$I=-J=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx=-2int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x} dx.$$
So integration by parts with $u=text{Li}_2(1-x)$ and $dv=frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x} dx$ gives
$$I=2int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_3(x)ln x}{1-x} dx=2int_0^1 text{Li}_3(x) ln x sum_{m ge 1}x^{m-1} dx=2sum_{m ge 1} int_0^1 x^{m-1}text{Li}_3(x) ln x dx$$
$$=2sum_{m ge 1} int_0^1x^{m-1}sum_{n ge 1} frac{x^n}{n^3} ln x dx=2sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{n^3}int_0^1x^{n+m-1}ln x dx=-2sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{n^3(n+m)^2}$$
$$=-sum_{m,n ge 1} left(frac{1}{n^3(n+m)^2}+frac{1}{m^3(n+m)^2}right). (5)$$
So $(5)$ and the following identity
together give
$$I=-sum_{m,n ge 1}left(frac{1}{n^3m^2}-frac{2}{n^2m^3}+frac{3}{m^3n(n+m)}right)=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{m^3n(n+m)}$$
$$=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m ge 1} frac{1}{m^4} sum_{n ge 1}left(frac{1}{n}-frac{1}{n+m}right)=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^4}, (6)$$
where, as usual, $H_m:=sum_{j=1}^m frac{1}{j}$ is the $m$-th harmonic number. Now we use Euler's formula
$$sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^k}=left(1+frac{k}{2}right)zeta(k+1)-frac{1}{2}sum_{i=1}^{k-2}zeta(i+1)zeta(k-i), k ge 2,$$
with $k=4$ to get
$$sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^4}=3zeta(5)-zeta(2)zeta(3)$$
and so, by $(6),$
This integral was proposed two years ago in RMM and it appeared as problem UP $089$.
See in this link, at the page $70$.
I am surprised over and over again by his ability of evaluating different and complex integrals. It always seems so easy seeing his approach but I could have never come up with this by myself! However, thank you for cross posting the question on AoPS, I already gave him a thumps up there, and for sharing ysharifi's solution here. Anyway I am feeling a little bit uneasy about the extensive usage of double sums in the end even though there are quite simple in this case.
– mrtaurho
Jan 31 at 14:16
@mrtaurho I have found it in RMM and linked it.
– Zacky
Feb 2 at 14:07
Wonderful! Thank you for your time and effort.
– mrtaurho
Feb 2 at 14:11
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1 Answer
1 Answer
Cross-posting this integral on AoPS brings Y. Sharifi's solution here after a day. Quite amazing one!
I will copy here his entire solution:
Let $I$ be your integral. Using the identity $ln x ln(1-x)+text{Li}_2(x)=zeta(2)-text{Li}_2(1-x),$ we have
$$I=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx + zeta(2)int_0^1 left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}+frac{text{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right)dx.$$
$$J=int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx, K:=int_0^1 left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}+frac{text{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right)dx.$$
$$I=zeta(2)K - J. (1)$$
We first show that $K=0.$ Start with using integration by parts in $K,$ with $u=frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x}-zeta(2)+text{Li}_2(1-x)$ and $dv=frac{dx}{1-x}.$ Then
$$K=int_0^1 ln(1-x)left(frac{ln x}{1-x}-frac{ln(1-x)}{x^2}-frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2}right)dx. (2)$$
Using the Maclaurin series of $ln(1-x),$ we quickly find the first integral in $K$
$$int_0^1 frac{ln x ln(1-x)}{1-x} dx = int_0^1 frac{ln x ln(1-x)}{x} dx=zeta(3). (3)$$
Next, we ignore the second integral in $K$ for now and we look at the third one, i.e. $int_0^1 frac{ln(1-x) text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2} dx.$ In this integral, we use integration by parts with $u=ln(1-x)text{Li}_2(x)$ and $dv=frac{dx}{x^2};$ notice that we need to choose $v=1-frac{1}{x}.$ So
$$int_0^1 frac{ln(1-x) text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2} dx=int_0^1left(1-frac{1}{x}right)left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{1-x}+frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x}right) dx$$
$$=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x} dx + int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x} dx - int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx=-zeta(3)+int_0^1 frac{ln^2x}{1-x} dx -int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx.$$
$$=zeta(3)-int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx. (4)$$
Thus, by $(2),(3)$ and $(4),$ we have $K=0$ and hence, by $(1),$
$$I=-J=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx=-2int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x} dx.$$
So integration by parts with $u=text{Li}_2(1-x)$ and $dv=frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x} dx$ gives
$$I=2int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_3(x)ln x}{1-x} dx=2int_0^1 text{Li}_3(x) ln x sum_{m ge 1}x^{m-1} dx=2sum_{m ge 1} int_0^1 x^{m-1}text{Li}_3(x) ln x dx$$
$$=2sum_{m ge 1} int_0^1x^{m-1}sum_{n ge 1} frac{x^n}{n^3} ln x dx=2sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{n^3}int_0^1x^{n+m-1}ln x dx=-2sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{n^3(n+m)^2}$$
$$=-sum_{m,n ge 1} left(frac{1}{n^3(n+m)^2}+frac{1}{m^3(n+m)^2}right). (5)$$
So $(5)$ and the following identity
together give
$$I=-sum_{m,n ge 1}left(frac{1}{n^3m^2}-frac{2}{n^2m^3}+frac{3}{m^3n(n+m)}right)=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{m^3n(n+m)}$$
$$=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m ge 1} frac{1}{m^4} sum_{n ge 1}left(frac{1}{n}-frac{1}{n+m}right)=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^4}, (6)$$
where, as usual, $H_m:=sum_{j=1}^m frac{1}{j}$ is the $m$-th harmonic number. Now we use Euler's formula
$$sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^k}=left(1+frac{k}{2}right)zeta(k+1)-frac{1}{2}sum_{i=1}^{k-2}zeta(i+1)zeta(k-i), k ge 2,$$
with $k=4$ to get
$$sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^4}=3zeta(5)-zeta(2)zeta(3)$$
and so, by $(6),$
This integral was proposed two years ago in RMM and it appeared as problem UP $089$.
See in this link, at the page $70$.
I am surprised over and over again by his ability of evaluating different and complex integrals. It always seems so easy seeing his approach but I could have never come up with this by myself! However, thank you for cross posting the question on AoPS, I already gave him a thumps up there, and for sharing ysharifi's solution here. Anyway I am feeling a little bit uneasy about the extensive usage of double sums in the end even though there are quite simple in this case.
– mrtaurho
Jan 31 at 14:16
@mrtaurho I have found it in RMM and linked it.
– Zacky
Feb 2 at 14:07
Wonderful! Thank you for your time and effort.
– mrtaurho
Feb 2 at 14:11
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Cross-posting this integral on AoPS brings Y. Sharifi's solution here after a day. Quite amazing one!
I will copy here his entire solution:
Let $I$ be your integral. Using the identity $ln x ln(1-x)+text{Li}_2(x)=zeta(2)-text{Li}_2(1-x),$ we have
$$I=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx + zeta(2)int_0^1 left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}+frac{text{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right)dx.$$
$$J=int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx, K:=int_0^1 left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}+frac{text{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right)dx.$$
$$I=zeta(2)K - J. (1)$$
We first show that $K=0.$ Start with using integration by parts in $K,$ with $u=frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x}-zeta(2)+text{Li}_2(1-x)$ and $dv=frac{dx}{1-x}.$ Then
$$K=int_0^1 ln(1-x)left(frac{ln x}{1-x}-frac{ln(1-x)}{x^2}-frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2}right)dx. (2)$$
Using the Maclaurin series of $ln(1-x),$ we quickly find the first integral in $K$
$$int_0^1 frac{ln x ln(1-x)}{1-x} dx = int_0^1 frac{ln x ln(1-x)}{x} dx=zeta(3). (3)$$
Next, we ignore the second integral in $K$ for now and we look at the third one, i.e. $int_0^1 frac{ln(1-x) text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2} dx.$ In this integral, we use integration by parts with $u=ln(1-x)text{Li}_2(x)$ and $dv=frac{dx}{x^2};$ notice that we need to choose $v=1-frac{1}{x}.$ So
$$int_0^1 frac{ln(1-x) text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2} dx=int_0^1left(1-frac{1}{x}right)left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{1-x}+frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x}right) dx$$
$$=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x} dx + int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x} dx - int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx=-zeta(3)+int_0^1 frac{ln^2x}{1-x} dx -int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx.$$
$$=zeta(3)-int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx. (4)$$
Thus, by $(2),(3)$ and $(4),$ we have $K=0$ and hence, by $(1),$
$$I=-J=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx=-2int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x} dx.$$
So integration by parts with $u=text{Li}_2(1-x)$ and $dv=frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x} dx$ gives
$$I=2int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_3(x)ln x}{1-x} dx=2int_0^1 text{Li}_3(x) ln x sum_{m ge 1}x^{m-1} dx=2sum_{m ge 1} int_0^1 x^{m-1}text{Li}_3(x) ln x dx$$
$$=2sum_{m ge 1} int_0^1x^{m-1}sum_{n ge 1} frac{x^n}{n^3} ln x dx=2sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{n^3}int_0^1x^{n+m-1}ln x dx=-2sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{n^3(n+m)^2}$$
$$=-sum_{m,n ge 1} left(frac{1}{n^3(n+m)^2}+frac{1}{m^3(n+m)^2}right). (5)$$
So $(5)$ and the following identity
together give
$$I=-sum_{m,n ge 1}left(frac{1}{n^3m^2}-frac{2}{n^2m^3}+frac{3}{m^3n(n+m)}right)=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{m^3n(n+m)}$$
$$=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m ge 1} frac{1}{m^4} sum_{n ge 1}left(frac{1}{n}-frac{1}{n+m}right)=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^4}, (6)$$
where, as usual, $H_m:=sum_{j=1}^m frac{1}{j}$ is the $m$-th harmonic number. Now we use Euler's formula
$$sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^k}=left(1+frac{k}{2}right)zeta(k+1)-frac{1}{2}sum_{i=1}^{k-2}zeta(i+1)zeta(k-i), k ge 2,$$
with $k=4$ to get
$$sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^4}=3zeta(5)-zeta(2)zeta(3)$$
and so, by $(6),$
This integral was proposed two years ago in RMM and it appeared as problem UP $089$.
See in this link, at the page $70$.
I am surprised over and over again by his ability of evaluating different and complex integrals. It always seems so easy seeing his approach but I could have never come up with this by myself! However, thank you for cross posting the question on AoPS, I already gave him a thumps up there, and for sharing ysharifi's solution here. Anyway I am feeling a little bit uneasy about the extensive usage of double sums in the end even though there are quite simple in this case.
– mrtaurho
Jan 31 at 14:16
@mrtaurho I have found it in RMM and linked it.
– Zacky
Feb 2 at 14:07
Wonderful! Thank you for your time and effort.
– mrtaurho
Feb 2 at 14:11
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Cross-posting this integral on AoPS brings Y. Sharifi's solution here after a day. Quite amazing one!
I will copy here his entire solution:
Let $I$ be your integral. Using the identity $ln x ln(1-x)+text{Li}_2(x)=zeta(2)-text{Li}_2(1-x),$ we have
$$I=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx + zeta(2)int_0^1 left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}+frac{text{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right)dx.$$
$$J=int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx, K:=int_0^1 left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}+frac{text{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right)dx.$$
$$I=zeta(2)K - J. (1)$$
We first show that $K=0.$ Start with using integration by parts in $K,$ with $u=frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x}-zeta(2)+text{Li}_2(1-x)$ and $dv=frac{dx}{1-x}.$ Then
$$K=int_0^1 ln(1-x)left(frac{ln x}{1-x}-frac{ln(1-x)}{x^2}-frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2}right)dx. (2)$$
Using the Maclaurin series of $ln(1-x),$ we quickly find the first integral in $K$
$$int_0^1 frac{ln x ln(1-x)}{1-x} dx = int_0^1 frac{ln x ln(1-x)}{x} dx=zeta(3). (3)$$
Next, we ignore the second integral in $K$ for now and we look at the third one, i.e. $int_0^1 frac{ln(1-x) text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2} dx.$ In this integral, we use integration by parts with $u=ln(1-x)text{Li}_2(x)$ and $dv=frac{dx}{x^2};$ notice that we need to choose $v=1-frac{1}{x}.$ So
$$int_0^1 frac{ln(1-x) text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2} dx=int_0^1left(1-frac{1}{x}right)left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{1-x}+frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x}right) dx$$
$$=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x} dx + int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x} dx - int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx=-zeta(3)+int_0^1 frac{ln^2x}{1-x} dx -int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx.$$
$$=zeta(3)-int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx. (4)$$
Thus, by $(2),(3)$ and $(4),$ we have $K=0$ and hence, by $(1),$
$$I=-J=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx=-2int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x} dx.$$
So integration by parts with $u=text{Li}_2(1-x)$ and $dv=frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x} dx$ gives
$$I=2int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_3(x)ln x}{1-x} dx=2int_0^1 text{Li}_3(x) ln x sum_{m ge 1}x^{m-1} dx=2sum_{m ge 1} int_0^1 x^{m-1}text{Li}_3(x) ln x dx$$
$$=2sum_{m ge 1} int_0^1x^{m-1}sum_{n ge 1} frac{x^n}{n^3} ln x dx=2sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{n^3}int_0^1x^{n+m-1}ln x dx=-2sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{n^3(n+m)^2}$$
$$=-sum_{m,n ge 1} left(frac{1}{n^3(n+m)^2}+frac{1}{m^3(n+m)^2}right). (5)$$
So $(5)$ and the following identity
together give
$$I=-sum_{m,n ge 1}left(frac{1}{n^3m^2}-frac{2}{n^2m^3}+frac{3}{m^3n(n+m)}right)=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{m^3n(n+m)}$$
$$=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m ge 1} frac{1}{m^4} sum_{n ge 1}left(frac{1}{n}-frac{1}{n+m}right)=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^4}, (6)$$
where, as usual, $H_m:=sum_{j=1}^m frac{1}{j}$ is the $m$-th harmonic number. Now we use Euler's formula
$$sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^k}=left(1+frac{k}{2}right)zeta(k+1)-frac{1}{2}sum_{i=1}^{k-2}zeta(i+1)zeta(k-i), k ge 2,$$
with $k=4$ to get
$$sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^4}=3zeta(5)-zeta(2)zeta(3)$$
and so, by $(6),$
This integral was proposed two years ago in RMM and it appeared as problem UP $089$.
See in this link, at the page $70$.
Cross-posting this integral on AoPS brings Y. Sharifi's solution here after a day. Quite amazing one!
I will copy here his entire solution:
Let $I$ be your integral. Using the identity $ln x ln(1-x)+text{Li}_2(x)=zeta(2)-text{Li}_2(1-x),$ we have
$$I=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx + zeta(2)int_0^1 left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}+frac{text{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right)dx.$$
$$J=int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx, K:=int_0^1 left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x(1-x)}-frac{zeta(2)}{1-x}+frac{text{Li}_2(1-x)}{1-x}right)dx.$$
$$I=zeta(2)K - J. (1)$$
We first show that $K=0.$ Start with using integration by parts in $K,$ with $u=frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x}-zeta(2)+text{Li}_2(1-x)$ and $dv=frac{dx}{1-x}.$ Then
$$K=int_0^1 ln(1-x)left(frac{ln x}{1-x}-frac{ln(1-x)}{x^2}-frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2}right)dx. (2)$$
Using the Maclaurin series of $ln(1-x),$ we quickly find the first integral in $K$
$$int_0^1 frac{ln x ln(1-x)}{1-x} dx = int_0^1 frac{ln x ln(1-x)}{x} dx=zeta(3). (3)$$
Next, we ignore the second integral in $K$ for now and we look at the third one, i.e. $int_0^1 frac{ln(1-x) text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2} dx.$ In this integral, we use integration by parts with $u=ln(1-x)text{Li}_2(x)$ and $dv=frac{dx}{x^2};$ notice that we need to choose $v=1-frac{1}{x}.$ So
$$int_0^1 frac{ln(1-x) text{Li}_2(x)}{x^2} dx=int_0^1left(1-frac{1}{x}right)left(frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{1-x}+frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x}right) dx$$
$$=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x} dx + int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x} dx - int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx=-zeta(3)+int_0^1 frac{ln^2x}{1-x} dx -int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx.$$
$$=zeta(3)-int_0^1 frac{ln^2(1-x)}{x^2} dx. (4)$$
Thus, by $(2),(3)$ and $(4),$ we have $K=0$ and hence, by $(1),$
$$I=-J=-int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x(1-x)} dx=-2int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_2(x)text{Li}_2(1-x)}{x} dx.$$
So integration by parts with $u=text{Li}_2(1-x)$ and $dv=frac{text{Li}_2(x)}{x} dx$ gives
$$I=2int_0^1 frac{text{Li}_3(x)ln x}{1-x} dx=2int_0^1 text{Li}_3(x) ln x sum_{m ge 1}x^{m-1} dx=2sum_{m ge 1} int_0^1 x^{m-1}text{Li}_3(x) ln x dx$$
$$=2sum_{m ge 1} int_0^1x^{m-1}sum_{n ge 1} frac{x^n}{n^3} ln x dx=2sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{n^3}int_0^1x^{n+m-1}ln x dx=-2sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{n^3(n+m)^2}$$
$$=-sum_{m,n ge 1} left(frac{1}{n^3(n+m)^2}+frac{1}{m^3(n+m)^2}right). (5)$$
So $(5)$ and the following identity
together give
$$I=-sum_{m,n ge 1}left(frac{1}{n^3m^2}-frac{2}{n^2m^3}+frac{3}{m^3n(n+m)}right)=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m,n ge 1} frac{1}{m^3n(n+m)}$$
$$=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m ge 1} frac{1}{m^4} sum_{n ge 1}left(frac{1}{n}-frac{1}{n+m}right)=zeta(2)zeta(3)-3sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^4}, (6)$$
where, as usual, $H_m:=sum_{j=1}^m frac{1}{j}$ is the $m$-th harmonic number. Now we use Euler's formula
$$sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^k}=left(1+frac{k}{2}right)zeta(k+1)-frac{1}{2}sum_{i=1}^{k-2}zeta(i+1)zeta(k-i), k ge 2,$$
with $k=4$ to get
$$sum_{m ge 1} frac{H_m}{m^4}=3zeta(5)-zeta(2)zeta(3)$$
and so, by $(6),$
This integral was proposed two years ago in RMM and it appeared as problem UP $089$.
See in this link, at the page $70$.
edited Feb 2 at 14:07
answered Jan 31 at 13:32

I am surprised over and over again by his ability of evaluating different and complex integrals. It always seems so easy seeing his approach but I could have never come up with this by myself! However, thank you for cross posting the question on AoPS, I already gave him a thumps up there, and for sharing ysharifi's solution here. Anyway I am feeling a little bit uneasy about the extensive usage of double sums in the end even though there are quite simple in this case.
– mrtaurho
Jan 31 at 14:16
@mrtaurho I have found it in RMM and linked it.
– Zacky
Feb 2 at 14:07
Wonderful! Thank you for your time and effort.
– mrtaurho
Feb 2 at 14:11
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I am surprised over and over again by his ability of evaluating different and complex integrals. It always seems so easy seeing his approach but I could have never come up with this by myself! However, thank you for cross posting the question on AoPS, I already gave him a thumps up there, and for sharing ysharifi's solution here. Anyway I am feeling a little bit uneasy about the extensive usage of double sums in the end even though there are quite simple in this case.
– mrtaurho
Jan 31 at 14:16
@mrtaurho I have found it in RMM and linked it.
– Zacky
Feb 2 at 14:07
Wonderful! Thank you for your time and effort.
– mrtaurho
Feb 2 at 14:11
I am surprised over and over again by his ability of evaluating different and complex integrals. It always seems so easy seeing his approach but I could have never come up with this by myself! However, thank you for cross posting the question on AoPS, I already gave him a thumps up there, and for sharing ysharifi's solution here. Anyway I am feeling a little bit uneasy about the extensive usage of double sums in the end even though there are quite simple in this case.
– mrtaurho
Jan 31 at 14:16
I am surprised over and over again by his ability of evaluating different and complex integrals. It always seems so easy seeing his approach but I could have never come up with this by myself! However, thank you for cross posting the question on AoPS, I already gave him a thumps up there, and for sharing ysharifi's solution here. Anyway I am feeling a little bit uneasy about the extensive usage of double sums in the end even though there are quite simple in this case.
– mrtaurho
Jan 31 at 14:16
@mrtaurho I have found it in RMM and linked it.
– Zacky
Feb 2 at 14:07
@mrtaurho I have found it in RMM and linked it.
– Zacky
Feb 2 at 14:07
Wonderful! Thank you for your time and effort.
– mrtaurho
Feb 2 at 14:11
Wonderful! Thank you for your time and effort.
– mrtaurho
Feb 2 at 14:11
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Could the downvoter please elaborate on why he downvoted? Is my question missing some details or effort; can I add something which would make the downvote redundant?
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 11:19
I can't speak for the downvoter, but perhaps they noticed that your proposed value for $mathfrak{I}$ in equation $(1)$ is way off numerically. The correct value should be $mathfrak{I}=4,zeta{left(2right)},zeta{left(3right)}-color{red}{9},zeta{left(5right)}$.
– David H
Dec 16 '18 at 12:55
@David H Oh gosh. I have forgotten to write down the $9$. I will add this in the post hence it is like this within the source I have given.
– mrtaurho
Dec 16 '18 at 13:07
Antiderivative of begin{align}frac{1}{1-x}left[frac{operatorname{Li}_2(x)}x-zeta(2)right]end{align} is computable. This is the part corresponding to $zeta(2)zeta(3)$
Dec 16 '18 at 14:01
Have you asked this on AoPS too? Or contact the author of the page?
– Zacky
Jan 30 at 11:25