Approximating spring-cart-pendulum system

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I am working on a javascript-web based simulation of a spring-cart-pendulum system in order to apply some math I've recently learned into a neat small project. I found a sample image on the internet as to what I am trying to model:
enter image description here

I understand how to derive the equations of motions by finding the Lagrangian and then from there deriving the Euler–Lagrange equations of motion:

Given that the mass of cart is $M$ and mass of ball on pendulum is $m$, length of pendulum $l$, distance of cart from spring (with constant $k$) equilibrium $x$ and pendulum angle $theta$ we have the following equations of motion:

$$x'' cos(theta) + ltheta'' - gsin(theta) = 0$$
$$(m+M)x''+ml[theta''cos(theta) - (theta')^2sin(theta)] = -kx$$
(A derivation can be found here, although this is not the point of the question ).

I have isolated the equations for $x''$ and $theta''$ as follows:

$$x'' = frac{-kx - ml[-sin(theta)(theta')^2-frac{g}{l} cos(theta)sin(theta)]}{m+M - mcos^2(theta)}$$

$$theta'' = frac{-gsin(theta)-cos(theta)x''}{l}$$

I then used Euler's method by using previous/initial conditions to solve for $x''$ and then for $theta''$ (since it depends on $x''$. I then solved for $x' = x''t + x'$, $x = x't + x$ (likewise for $theta$), where $t$ is the stepsize.

This approach seems to work well for initial conditions where $theta$ or $theta'$ is small (have yet to test playing around with $x$'s). However, when I set the $theta$'s to bigger values, then my spring goes crazy and all over the screen.

Now I have never physically set up a spring-cart-pendulum system so maybe my simulation is correct ( although I have my doubts), but I was wondering what other methods I can use for numerical and more accurate approximation. I could always set the step size for Euler approximation to something smaller, but that would effect the speed and functionality of my simulation.

I have heard about things like Runge–Kutta but not sure how to apply it to a second order system of DEs. Does anyone have any advice, reading or examples that I can look at to learn from for more accurate approximation?

Thank you for your time.


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    I am working on a javascript-web based simulation of a spring-cart-pendulum system in order to apply some math I've recently learned into a neat small project. I found a sample image on the internet as to what I am trying to model:
    enter image description here

    I understand how to derive the equations of motions by finding the Lagrangian and then from there deriving the Euler–Lagrange equations of motion:

    Given that the mass of cart is $M$ and mass of ball on pendulum is $m$, length of pendulum $l$, distance of cart from spring (with constant $k$) equilibrium $x$ and pendulum angle $theta$ we have the following equations of motion:

    $$x'' cos(theta) + ltheta'' - gsin(theta) = 0$$
    $$(m+M)x''+ml[theta''cos(theta) - (theta')^2sin(theta)] = -kx$$
    (A derivation can be found here, although this is not the point of the question ).

    I have isolated the equations for $x''$ and $theta''$ as follows:

    $$x'' = frac{-kx - ml[-sin(theta)(theta')^2-frac{g}{l} cos(theta)sin(theta)]}{m+M - mcos^2(theta)}$$

    $$theta'' = frac{-gsin(theta)-cos(theta)x''}{l}$$

    I then used Euler's method by using previous/initial conditions to solve for $x''$ and then for $theta''$ (since it depends on $x''$. I then solved for $x' = x''t + x'$, $x = x't + x$ (likewise for $theta$), where $t$ is the stepsize.

    This approach seems to work well for initial conditions where $theta$ or $theta'$ is small (have yet to test playing around with $x$'s). However, when I set the $theta$'s to bigger values, then my spring goes crazy and all over the screen.

    Now I have never physically set up a spring-cart-pendulum system so maybe my simulation is correct ( although I have my doubts), but I was wondering what other methods I can use for numerical and more accurate approximation. I could always set the step size for Euler approximation to something smaller, but that would effect the speed and functionality of my simulation.

    I have heard about things like Runge–Kutta but not sure how to apply it to a second order system of DEs. Does anyone have any advice, reading or examples that I can look at to learn from for more accurate approximation?

    Thank you for your time.


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      up vote
      down vote



      I am working on a javascript-web based simulation of a spring-cart-pendulum system in order to apply some math I've recently learned into a neat small project. I found a sample image on the internet as to what I am trying to model:
      enter image description here

      I understand how to derive the equations of motions by finding the Lagrangian and then from there deriving the Euler–Lagrange equations of motion:

      Given that the mass of cart is $M$ and mass of ball on pendulum is $m$, length of pendulum $l$, distance of cart from spring (with constant $k$) equilibrium $x$ and pendulum angle $theta$ we have the following equations of motion:

      $$x'' cos(theta) + ltheta'' - gsin(theta) = 0$$
      $$(m+M)x''+ml[theta''cos(theta) - (theta')^2sin(theta)] = -kx$$
      (A derivation can be found here, although this is not the point of the question ).

      I have isolated the equations for $x''$ and $theta''$ as follows:

      $$x'' = frac{-kx - ml[-sin(theta)(theta')^2-frac{g}{l} cos(theta)sin(theta)]}{m+M - mcos^2(theta)}$$

      $$theta'' = frac{-gsin(theta)-cos(theta)x''}{l}$$

      I then used Euler's method by using previous/initial conditions to solve for $x''$ and then for $theta''$ (since it depends on $x''$. I then solved for $x' = x''t + x'$, $x = x't + x$ (likewise for $theta$), where $t$ is the stepsize.

      This approach seems to work well for initial conditions where $theta$ or $theta'$ is small (have yet to test playing around with $x$'s). However, when I set the $theta$'s to bigger values, then my spring goes crazy and all over the screen.

      Now I have never physically set up a spring-cart-pendulum system so maybe my simulation is correct ( although I have my doubts), but I was wondering what other methods I can use for numerical and more accurate approximation. I could always set the step size for Euler approximation to something smaller, but that would effect the speed and functionality of my simulation.

      I have heard about things like Runge–Kutta but not sure how to apply it to a second order system of DEs. Does anyone have any advice, reading or examples that I can look at to learn from for more accurate approximation?

      Thank you for your time.


      share|cite|improve this question

      I am working on a javascript-web based simulation of a spring-cart-pendulum system in order to apply some math I've recently learned into a neat small project. I found a sample image on the internet as to what I am trying to model:
      enter image description here

      I understand how to derive the equations of motions by finding the Lagrangian and then from there deriving the Euler–Lagrange equations of motion:

      Given that the mass of cart is $M$ and mass of ball on pendulum is $m$, length of pendulum $l$, distance of cart from spring (with constant $k$) equilibrium $x$ and pendulum angle $theta$ we have the following equations of motion:

      $$x'' cos(theta) + ltheta'' - gsin(theta) = 0$$
      $$(m+M)x''+ml[theta''cos(theta) - (theta')^2sin(theta)] = -kx$$
      (A derivation can be found here, although this is not the point of the question ).

      I have isolated the equations for $x''$ and $theta''$ as follows:

      $$x'' = frac{-kx - ml[-sin(theta)(theta')^2-frac{g}{l} cos(theta)sin(theta)]}{m+M - mcos^2(theta)}$$

      $$theta'' = frac{-gsin(theta)-cos(theta)x''}{l}$$

      I then used Euler's method by using previous/initial conditions to solve for $x''$ and then for $theta''$ (since it depends on $x''$. I then solved for $x' = x''t + x'$, $x = x't + x$ (likewise for $theta$), where $t$ is the stepsize.

      This approach seems to work well for initial conditions where $theta$ or $theta'$ is small (have yet to test playing around with $x$'s). However, when I set the $theta$'s to bigger values, then my spring goes crazy and all over the screen.

      Now I have never physically set up a spring-cart-pendulum system so maybe my simulation is correct ( although I have my doubts), but I was wondering what other methods I can use for numerical and more accurate approximation. I could always set the step size for Euler approximation to something smaller, but that would effect the speed and functionality of my simulation.

      I have heard about things like Runge–Kutta but not sure how to apply it to a second order system of DEs. Does anyone have any advice, reading or examples that I can look at to learn from for more accurate approximation?

      Thank you for your time.


      differential-equations numerical-methods approximation calculus-of-variations euler-lagrange-equation

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      asked Nov 22 '16 at 18:20




          2 Answers




          up vote
          down vote

          You can always transform a system of higher order into a first order system where the sum over the orders of the first gives the dimension of the second.

          Here you could define a 4 dimensional vector $y$ via the assignment $y=(x,θ,x',θ')$ so that $y_1'=y_3$, $y_2'=y_4$, $x_3'=$ the equation for $x''$ and $y_4'=$ the equation for $θ''$.

          In python as the modern BASIC, one could implement this as

          def prime(t,y):
          x,tha,dx,dtha = y
          stha, ctha = sin(tha), cos(tha)

          d2x = -( k*x - m*stha*(l*dtha**2 + g*ctha) ) / ( M + m*stha**2)
          d2tha = -(g*stha + d2x*ctha)/l

          return [ dx, dtha, d2x, d2tha ]

          and then pass it to an ODE solver by some variant of

          sol = odesolver(prime, times, y0)

          The readily available solvers are

          from scipy.integrate import odeint
          import numpy as np

          times = np.arange(t0,tf,dt)
          y0 = [ x0, th0, dx0, dth0 ]

          # odeint has the arguments of the ODE function swapped
          sol = odeint(lambda y,t: prime(t,y), y0, times)

          Or you build your own

          def oderk4(prime, times, y):
          f = lambda t,y: np.array(prime(t,y)) # to get a vector object
          sol = np.zeros_like([y]*np.size(times))
          sol[0,:] = y[:]
          for i,t in enumerate(times):
          dt = times[i+1]-t
          k1 = dt * f( t , y )
          k2 = dt * f( t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k1 )
          k3 = dt * f( t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k2 )
          k4 = dt * f( t+ dt, y+ k3 )
          sol[i+1,:] = y = y + (k1+2*(k2+k3)+k4)/6

          return sol

          and then call it and print the solution as

          sol = oderk4(prime, times, y0)

          for k,t in enumerate(times):
          print "%3d : t=%7.3f x=%10.6f theta=%10.6f" % (k, t, sol[k,0], sol[k,1])

          Or plot it

          import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

          x=sol[:,0]; tha=sol[:,1];
          ballx = x+l*np.sin(tha); bally = -l*np.cos(tha);
          plt.plot(ballx, bally)

          where with initial values and constants

          m=1; M=3; l=10; k=0.5; g=9
          x0 = -3.0; dx0 = 0.0; th0 = -1.0; dth0 = 0.0;
          t0=0; tf = 150.0; dt = 0.1

          I get this artful graph:

          trajectory of the point of the spring pendulum

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • I appreciate the answer, but I still have some questions!I am coding in javascript for a more 'real time' solution. A sample simulation can be found here. I cannot use the specific libraries that you mentioned because they are for python. Even if there was a library for javascript, I would like to keep myself away from using it because I am trying to learn a little bit more about the numerical solutions to the system of second order DEs in order to scale it to other simulations. I'm trying to understand the theory behind
            – stantheman
            Nov 23 '16 at 23:14

          • the solutions. I was looking for some sort of reading on solving systems such as this something along the lines of your rk4 example but with more detail. Cheers
            – stantheman
            Nov 23 '16 at 23:17

          • Some basic example of RK4 in javascript: . The problem is that lists in JS are not vectors. One would have to implement vector arithmetic using list operations or loops. Then in principle the fixed time step methods work the same way as above. -- There is a numericjs project with the standard integrators.
            – LutzL
            Nov 24 '16 at 0:02

          up vote
          down vote

          In JavaScript one can implement a universal variant of the Euler or RK4 step using the axpy array operation introduced by BLAS/LAPACK

          function axpy(a,x,y) { 
          // returns a*x+y for arrays x,y of the same length
          var k = y.length >>> 0;
          var res = new Array(k);
          while(k-->0) { res[k] = y[k] + a*x[k]; }
          return res;

          This blindly assumes that the input arrays have the same length.

          function EulerStep(t,y,h) {
          var k = odefunc(t,y);
          // ynext = y+h*k
          return axpy(h,k,y);

          function RK4Step(t,y,h) {
          var k0 = odefunc(t , y );
          var k1 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, axpy(0.5*h,k0,y));
          var k2 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, axpy(0.5*h,k1,y));
          var k3 = odefunc(t+ h, axpy( h,k2,y));
          // ynext = y+h/6*(k0+2*k1+2*k2+k3);
          return axpy(h/6,axpy(1,k0,axpy(2,k1,axpy(2,k2,k3))),y);

          The ODE function would be correspondingly

          function odefunc(t,y) {  
          var x = y[0], tha = y[1], dx = y[2], dtha = y[3];
          var stha = Math.sin(tha), ctha = Math.cos(tha);

          var d2x = -( k*x - m*stha*(l*dtha**2 + g*ctha) ) / ( M + m*stha**2)
          var d2tha = -(g*stha + d2x*ctha)/l

          return [ dx, dtha, d2x, d2tha ]

          Now one can do one integration step per frame, or multiple time steps with accordingly reduced time step.

          The more complicated variant is to use an optimal time step for a required error level and interpolate the states for the time points of the frames, which could mean that there is no integration step for several frames. This is essentially what the dopri5/rk45/ode45 or lsoda solvers do, the use internally computed time steps and interpolate the values for the given list of times.

          share|cite|improve this answer

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers










            up vote
            down vote

            You can always transform a system of higher order into a first order system where the sum over the orders of the first gives the dimension of the second.

            Here you could define a 4 dimensional vector $y$ via the assignment $y=(x,θ,x',θ')$ so that $y_1'=y_3$, $y_2'=y_4$, $x_3'=$ the equation for $x''$ and $y_4'=$ the equation for $θ''$.

            In python as the modern BASIC, one could implement this as

            def prime(t,y):
            x,tha,dx,dtha = y
            stha, ctha = sin(tha), cos(tha)

            d2x = -( k*x - m*stha*(l*dtha**2 + g*ctha) ) / ( M + m*stha**2)
            d2tha = -(g*stha + d2x*ctha)/l

            return [ dx, dtha, d2x, d2tha ]

            and then pass it to an ODE solver by some variant of

            sol = odesolver(prime, times, y0)

            The readily available solvers are

            from scipy.integrate import odeint
            import numpy as np

            times = np.arange(t0,tf,dt)
            y0 = [ x0, th0, dx0, dth0 ]

            # odeint has the arguments of the ODE function swapped
            sol = odeint(lambda y,t: prime(t,y), y0, times)

            Or you build your own

            def oderk4(prime, times, y):
            f = lambda t,y: np.array(prime(t,y)) # to get a vector object
            sol = np.zeros_like([y]*np.size(times))
            sol[0,:] = y[:]
            for i,t in enumerate(times):
            dt = times[i+1]-t
            k1 = dt * f( t , y )
            k2 = dt * f( t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k1 )
            k3 = dt * f( t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k2 )
            k4 = dt * f( t+ dt, y+ k3 )
            sol[i+1,:] = y = y + (k1+2*(k2+k3)+k4)/6

            return sol

            and then call it and print the solution as

            sol = oderk4(prime, times, y0)

            for k,t in enumerate(times):
            print "%3d : t=%7.3f x=%10.6f theta=%10.6f" % (k, t, sol[k,0], sol[k,1])

            Or plot it

            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            x=sol[:,0]; tha=sol[:,1];
            ballx = x+l*np.sin(tha); bally = -l*np.cos(tha);
            plt.plot(ballx, bally)

            where with initial values and constants

            m=1; M=3; l=10; k=0.5; g=9
            x0 = -3.0; dx0 = 0.0; th0 = -1.0; dth0 = 0.0;
            t0=0; tf = 150.0; dt = 0.1

            I get this artful graph:

            trajectory of the point of the spring pendulum

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • I appreciate the answer, but I still have some questions!I am coding in javascript for a more 'real time' solution. A sample simulation can be found here. I cannot use the specific libraries that you mentioned because they are for python. Even if there was a library for javascript, I would like to keep myself away from using it because I am trying to learn a little bit more about the numerical solutions to the system of second order DEs in order to scale it to other simulations. I'm trying to understand the theory behind
              – stantheman
              Nov 23 '16 at 23:14

            • the solutions. I was looking for some sort of reading on solving systems such as this something along the lines of your rk4 example but with more detail. Cheers
              – stantheman
              Nov 23 '16 at 23:17

            • Some basic example of RK4 in javascript: . The problem is that lists in JS are not vectors. One would have to implement vector arithmetic using list operations or loops. Then in principle the fixed time step methods work the same way as above. -- There is a numericjs project with the standard integrators.
              – LutzL
              Nov 24 '16 at 0:02

            up vote
            down vote

            You can always transform a system of higher order into a first order system where the sum over the orders of the first gives the dimension of the second.

            Here you could define a 4 dimensional vector $y$ via the assignment $y=(x,θ,x',θ')$ so that $y_1'=y_3$, $y_2'=y_4$, $x_3'=$ the equation for $x''$ and $y_4'=$ the equation for $θ''$.

            In python as the modern BASIC, one could implement this as

            def prime(t,y):
            x,tha,dx,dtha = y
            stha, ctha = sin(tha), cos(tha)

            d2x = -( k*x - m*stha*(l*dtha**2 + g*ctha) ) / ( M + m*stha**2)
            d2tha = -(g*stha + d2x*ctha)/l

            return [ dx, dtha, d2x, d2tha ]

            and then pass it to an ODE solver by some variant of

            sol = odesolver(prime, times, y0)

            The readily available solvers are

            from scipy.integrate import odeint
            import numpy as np

            times = np.arange(t0,tf,dt)
            y0 = [ x0, th0, dx0, dth0 ]

            # odeint has the arguments of the ODE function swapped
            sol = odeint(lambda y,t: prime(t,y), y0, times)

            Or you build your own

            def oderk4(prime, times, y):
            f = lambda t,y: np.array(prime(t,y)) # to get a vector object
            sol = np.zeros_like([y]*np.size(times))
            sol[0,:] = y[:]
            for i,t in enumerate(times):
            dt = times[i+1]-t
            k1 = dt * f( t , y )
            k2 = dt * f( t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k1 )
            k3 = dt * f( t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k2 )
            k4 = dt * f( t+ dt, y+ k3 )
            sol[i+1,:] = y = y + (k1+2*(k2+k3)+k4)/6

            return sol

            and then call it and print the solution as

            sol = oderk4(prime, times, y0)

            for k,t in enumerate(times):
            print "%3d : t=%7.3f x=%10.6f theta=%10.6f" % (k, t, sol[k,0], sol[k,1])

            Or plot it

            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            x=sol[:,0]; tha=sol[:,1];
            ballx = x+l*np.sin(tha); bally = -l*np.cos(tha);
            plt.plot(ballx, bally)

            where with initial values and constants

            m=1; M=3; l=10; k=0.5; g=9
            x0 = -3.0; dx0 = 0.0; th0 = -1.0; dth0 = 0.0;
            t0=0; tf = 150.0; dt = 0.1

            I get this artful graph:

            trajectory of the point of the spring pendulum

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • I appreciate the answer, but I still have some questions!I am coding in javascript for a more 'real time' solution. A sample simulation can be found here. I cannot use the specific libraries that you mentioned because they are for python. Even if there was a library for javascript, I would like to keep myself away from using it because I am trying to learn a little bit more about the numerical solutions to the system of second order DEs in order to scale it to other simulations. I'm trying to understand the theory behind
              – stantheman
              Nov 23 '16 at 23:14

            • the solutions. I was looking for some sort of reading on solving systems such as this something along the lines of your rk4 example but with more detail. Cheers
              – stantheman
              Nov 23 '16 at 23:17

            • Some basic example of RK4 in javascript: . The problem is that lists in JS are not vectors. One would have to implement vector arithmetic using list operations or loops. Then in principle the fixed time step methods work the same way as above. -- There is a numericjs project with the standard integrators.
              – LutzL
              Nov 24 '16 at 0:02

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            You can always transform a system of higher order into a first order system where the sum over the orders of the first gives the dimension of the second.

            Here you could define a 4 dimensional vector $y$ via the assignment $y=(x,θ,x',θ')$ so that $y_1'=y_3$, $y_2'=y_4$, $x_3'=$ the equation for $x''$ and $y_4'=$ the equation for $θ''$.

            In python as the modern BASIC, one could implement this as

            def prime(t,y):
            x,tha,dx,dtha = y
            stha, ctha = sin(tha), cos(tha)

            d2x = -( k*x - m*stha*(l*dtha**2 + g*ctha) ) / ( M + m*stha**2)
            d2tha = -(g*stha + d2x*ctha)/l

            return [ dx, dtha, d2x, d2tha ]

            and then pass it to an ODE solver by some variant of

            sol = odesolver(prime, times, y0)

            The readily available solvers are

            from scipy.integrate import odeint
            import numpy as np

            times = np.arange(t0,tf,dt)
            y0 = [ x0, th0, dx0, dth0 ]

            # odeint has the arguments of the ODE function swapped
            sol = odeint(lambda y,t: prime(t,y), y0, times)

            Or you build your own

            def oderk4(prime, times, y):
            f = lambda t,y: np.array(prime(t,y)) # to get a vector object
            sol = np.zeros_like([y]*np.size(times))
            sol[0,:] = y[:]
            for i,t in enumerate(times):
            dt = times[i+1]-t
            k1 = dt * f( t , y )
            k2 = dt * f( t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k1 )
            k3 = dt * f( t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k2 )
            k4 = dt * f( t+ dt, y+ k3 )
            sol[i+1,:] = y = y + (k1+2*(k2+k3)+k4)/6

            return sol

            and then call it and print the solution as

            sol = oderk4(prime, times, y0)

            for k,t in enumerate(times):
            print "%3d : t=%7.3f x=%10.6f theta=%10.6f" % (k, t, sol[k,0], sol[k,1])

            Or plot it

            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            x=sol[:,0]; tha=sol[:,1];
            ballx = x+l*np.sin(tha); bally = -l*np.cos(tha);
            plt.plot(ballx, bally)

            where with initial values and constants

            m=1; M=3; l=10; k=0.5; g=9
            x0 = -3.0; dx0 = 0.0; th0 = -1.0; dth0 = 0.0;
            t0=0; tf = 150.0; dt = 0.1

            I get this artful graph:

            trajectory of the point of the spring pendulum

            share|cite|improve this answer

            You can always transform a system of higher order into a first order system where the sum over the orders of the first gives the dimension of the second.

            Here you could define a 4 dimensional vector $y$ via the assignment $y=(x,θ,x',θ')$ so that $y_1'=y_3$, $y_2'=y_4$, $x_3'=$ the equation for $x''$ and $y_4'=$ the equation for $θ''$.

            In python as the modern BASIC, one could implement this as

            def prime(t,y):
            x,tha,dx,dtha = y
            stha, ctha = sin(tha), cos(tha)

            d2x = -( k*x - m*stha*(l*dtha**2 + g*ctha) ) / ( M + m*stha**2)
            d2tha = -(g*stha + d2x*ctha)/l

            return [ dx, dtha, d2x, d2tha ]

            and then pass it to an ODE solver by some variant of

            sol = odesolver(prime, times, y0)

            The readily available solvers are

            from scipy.integrate import odeint
            import numpy as np

            times = np.arange(t0,tf,dt)
            y0 = [ x0, th0, dx0, dth0 ]

            # odeint has the arguments of the ODE function swapped
            sol = odeint(lambda y,t: prime(t,y), y0, times)

            Or you build your own

            def oderk4(prime, times, y):
            f = lambda t,y: np.array(prime(t,y)) # to get a vector object
            sol = np.zeros_like([y]*np.size(times))
            sol[0,:] = y[:]
            for i,t in enumerate(times):
            dt = times[i+1]-t
            k1 = dt * f( t , y )
            k2 = dt * f( t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k1 )
            k3 = dt * f( t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k2 )
            k4 = dt * f( t+ dt, y+ k3 )
            sol[i+1,:] = y = y + (k1+2*(k2+k3)+k4)/6

            return sol

            and then call it and print the solution as

            sol = oderk4(prime, times, y0)

            for k,t in enumerate(times):
            print "%3d : t=%7.3f x=%10.6f theta=%10.6f" % (k, t, sol[k,0], sol[k,1])

            Or plot it

            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            x=sol[:,0]; tha=sol[:,1];
            ballx = x+l*np.sin(tha); bally = -l*np.cos(tha);
            plt.plot(ballx, bally)

            where with initial values and constants

            m=1; M=3; l=10; k=0.5; g=9
            x0 = -3.0; dx0 = 0.0; th0 = -1.0; dth0 = 0.0;
            t0=0; tf = 150.0; dt = 0.1

            I get this artful graph:

            trajectory of the point of the spring pendulum

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            edited Nov 22 '16 at 23:10

            answered Nov 22 '16 at 19:46




            • I appreciate the answer, but I still have some questions!I am coding in javascript for a more 'real time' solution. A sample simulation can be found here. I cannot use the specific libraries that you mentioned because they are for python. Even if there was a library for javascript, I would like to keep myself away from using it because I am trying to learn a little bit more about the numerical solutions to the system of second order DEs in order to scale it to other simulations. I'm trying to understand the theory behind
              – stantheman
              Nov 23 '16 at 23:14

            • the solutions. I was looking for some sort of reading on solving systems such as this something along the lines of your rk4 example but with more detail. Cheers
              – stantheman
              Nov 23 '16 at 23:17

            • Some basic example of RK4 in javascript: . The problem is that lists in JS are not vectors. One would have to implement vector arithmetic using list operations or loops. Then in principle the fixed time step methods work the same way as above. -- There is a numericjs project with the standard integrators.
              – LutzL
              Nov 24 '16 at 0:02

            • I appreciate the answer, but I still have some questions!I am coding in javascript for a more 'real time' solution. A sample simulation can be found here. I cannot use the specific libraries that you mentioned because they are for python. Even if there was a library for javascript, I would like to keep myself away from using it because I am trying to learn a little bit more about the numerical solutions to the system of second order DEs in order to scale it to other simulations. I'm trying to understand the theory behind
              – stantheman
              Nov 23 '16 at 23:14

            • the solutions. I was looking for some sort of reading on solving systems such as this something along the lines of your rk4 example but with more detail. Cheers
              – stantheman
              Nov 23 '16 at 23:17

            • Some basic example of RK4 in javascript: . The problem is that lists in JS are not vectors. One would have to implement vector arithmetic using list operations or loops. Then in principle the fixed time step methods work the same way as above. -- There is a numericjs project with the standard integrators.
              – LutzL
              Nov 24 '16 at 0:02

            I appreciate the answer, but I still have some questions!I am coding in javascript for a more 'real time' solution. A sample simulation can be found here. I cannot use the specific libraries that you mentioned because they are for python. Even if there was a library for javascript, I would like to keep myself away from using it because I am trying to learn a little bit more about the numerical solutions to the system of second order DEs in order to scale it to other simulations. I'm trying to understand the theory behind
            – stantheman
            Nov 23 '16 at 23:14

            I appreciate the answer, but I still have some questions!I am coding in javascript for a more 'real time' solution. A sample simulation can be found here. I cannot use the specific libraries that you mentioned because they are for python. Even if there was a library for javascript, I would like to keep myself away from using it because I am trying to learn a little bit more about the numerical solutions to the system of second order DEs in order to scale it to other simulations. I'm trying to understand the theory behind
            – stantheman
            Nov 23 '16 at 23:14

            the solutions. I was looking for some sort of reading on solving systems such as this something along the lines of your rk4 example but with more detail. Cheers
            – stantheman
            Nov 23 '16 at 23:17

            the solutions. I was looking for some sort of reading on solving systems such as this something along the lines of your rk4 example but with more detail. Cheers
            – stantheman
            Nov 23 '16 at 23:17

            Some basic example of RK4 in javascript: . The problem is that lists in JS are not vectors. One would have to implement vector arithmetic using list operations or loops. Then in principle the fixed time step methods work the same way as above. -- There is a numericjs project with the standard integrators.
            – LutzL
            Nov 24 '16 at 0:02

            Some basic example of RK4 in javascript: . The problem is that lists in JS are not vectors. One would have to implement vector arithmetic using list operations or loops. Then in principle the fixed time step methods work the same way as above. -- There is a numericjs project with the standard integrators.
            – LutzL
            Nov 24 '16 at 0:02

            up vote
            down vote

            In JavaScript one can implement a universal variant of the Euler or RK4 step using the axpy array operation introduced by BLAS/LAPACK

            function axpy(a,x,y) { 
            // returns a*x+y for arrays x,y of the same length
            var k = y.length >>> 0;
            var res = new Array(k);
            while(k-->0) { res[k] = y[k] + a*x[k]; }
            return res;

            This blindly assumes that the input arrays have the same length.

            function EulerStep(t,y,h) {
            var k = odefunc(t,y);
            // ynext = y+h*k
            return axpy(h,k,y);

            function RK4Step(t,y,h) {
            var k0 = odefunc(t , y );
            var k1 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, axpy(0.5*h,k0,y));
            var k2 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, axpy(0.5*h,k1,y));
            var k3 = odefunc(t+ h, axpy( h,k2,y));
            // ynext = y+h/6*(k0+2*k1+2*k2+k3);
            return axpy(h/6,axpy(1,k0,axpy(2,k1,axpy(2,k2,k3))),y);

            The ODE function would be correspondingly

            function odefunc(t,y) {  
            var x = y[0], tha = y[1], dx = y[2], dtha = y[3];
            var stha = Math.sin(tha), ctha = Math.cos(tha);

            var d2x = -( k*x - m*stha*(l*dtha**2 + g*ctha) ) / ( M + m*stha**2)
            var d2tha = -(g*stha + d2x*ctha)/l

            return [ dx, dtha, d2x, d2tha ]

            Now one can do one integration step per frame, or multiple time steps with accordingly reduced time step.

            The more complicated variant is to use an optimal time step for a required error level and interpolate the states for the time points of the frames, which could mean that there is no integration step for several frames. This is essentially what the dopri5/rk45/ode45 or lsoda solvers do, the use internally computed time steps and interpolate the values for the given list of times.

            share|cite|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              In JavaScript one can implement a universal variant of the Euler or RK4 step using the axpy array operation introduced by BLAS/LAPACK

              function axpy(a,x,y) { 
              // returns a*x+y for arrays x,y of the same length
              var k = y.length >>> 0;
              var res = new Array(k);
              while(k-->0) { res[k] = y[k] + a*x[k]; }
              return res;

              This blindly assumes that the input arrays have the same length.

              function EulerStep(t,y,h) {
              var k = odefunc(t,y);
              // ynext = y+h*k
              return axpy(h,k,y);

              function RK4Step(t,y,h) {
              var k0 = odefunc(t , y );
              var k1 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, axpy(0.5*h,k0,y));
              var k2 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, axpy(0.5*h,k1,y));
              var k3 = odefunc(t+ h, axpy( h,k2,y));
              // ynext = y+h/6*(k0+2*k1+2*k2+k3);
              return axpy(h/6,axpy(1,k0,axpy(2,k1,axpy(2,k2,k3))),y);

              The ODE function would be correspondingly

              function odefunc(t,y) {  
              var x = y[0], tha = y[1], dx = y[2], dtha = y[3];
              var stha = Math.sin(tha), ctha = Math.cos(tha);

              var d2x = -( k*x - m*stha*(l*dtha**2 + g*ctha) ) / ( M + m*stha**2)
              var d2tha = -(g*stha + d2x*ctha)/l

              return [ dx, dtha, d2x, d2tha ]

              Now one can do one integration step per frame, or multiple time steps with accordingly reduced time step.

              The more complicated variant is to use an optimal time step for a required error level and interpolate the states for the time points of the frames, which could mean that there is no integration step for several frames. This is essentially what the dopri5/rk45/ode45 or lsoda solvers do, the use internally computed time steps and interpolate the values for the given list of times.

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                In JavaScript one can implement a universal variant of the Euler or RK4 step using the axpy array operation introduced by BLAS/LAPACK

                function axpy(a,x,y) { 
                // returns a*x+y for arrays x,y of the same length
                var k = y.length >>> 0;
                var res = new Array(k);
                while(k-->0) { res[k] = y[k] + a*x[k]; }
                return res;

                This blindly assumes that the input arrays have the same length.

                function EulerStep(t,y,h) {
                var k = odefunc(t,y);
                // ynext = y+h*k
                return axpy(h,k,y);

                function RK4Step(t,y,h) {
                var k0 = odefunc(t , y );
                var k1 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, axpy(0.5*h,k0,y));
                var k2 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, axpy(0.5*h,k1,y));
                var k3 = odefunc(t+ h, axpy( h,k2,y));
                // ynext = y+h/6*(k0+2*k1+2*k2+k3);
                return axpy(h/6,axpy(1,k0,axpy(2,k1,axpy(2,k2,k3))),y);

                The ODE function would be correspondingly

                function odefunc(t,y) {  
                var x = y[0], tha = y[1], dx = y[2], dtha = y[3];
                var stha = Math.sin(tha), ctha = Math.cos(tha);

                var d2x = -( k*x - m*stha*(l*dtha**2 + g*ctha) ) / ( M + m*stha**2)
                var d2tha = -(g*stha + d2x*ctha)/l

                return [ dx, dtha, d2x, d2tha ]

                Now one can do one integration step per frame, or multiple time steps with accordingly reduced time step.

                The more complicated variant is to use an optimal time step for a required error level and interpolate the states for the time points of the frames, which could mean that there is no integration step for several frames. This is essentially what the dopri5/rk45/ode45 or lsoda solvers do, the use internally computed time steps and interpolate the values for the given list of times.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                In JavaScript one can implement a universal variant of the Euler or RK4 step using the axpy array operation introduced by BLAS/LAPACK

                function axpy(a,x,y) { 
                // returns a*x+y for arrays x,y of the same length
                var k = y.length >>> 0;
                var res = new Array(k);
                while(k-->0) { res[k] = y[k] + a*x[k]; }
                return res;

                This blindly assumes that the input arrays have the same length.

                function EulerStep(t,y,h) {
                var k = odefunc(t,y);
                // ynext = y+h*k
                return axpy(h,k,y);

                function RK4Step(t,y,h) {
                var k0 = odefunc(t , y );
                var k1 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, axpy(0.5*h,k0,y));
                var k2 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, axpy(0.5*h,k1,y));
                var k3 = odefunc(t+ h, axpy( h,k2,y));
                // ynext = y+h/6*(k0+2*k1+2*k2+k3);
                return axpy(h/6,axpy(1,k0,axpy(2,k1,axpy(2,k2,k3))),y);

                The ODE function would be correspondingly

                function odefunc(t,y) {  
                var x = y[0], tha = y[1], dx = y[2], dtha = y[3];
                var stha = Math.sin(tha), ctha = Math.cos(tha);

                var d2x = -( k*x - m*stha*(l*dtha**2 + g*ctha) ) / ( M + m*stha**2)
                var d2tha = -(g*stha + d2x*ctha)/l

                return [ dx, dtha, d2x, d2tha ]

                Now one can do one integration step per frame, or multiple time steps with accordingly reduced time step.

                The more complicated variant is to use an optimal time step for a required error level and interpolate the states for the time points of the frames, which could mean that there is no integration step for several frames. This is essentially what the dopri5/rk45/ode45 or lsoda solvers do, the use internally computed time steps and interpolate the values for the given list of times.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                answered Nov 24 '16 at 14:06




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